Zach’s ugly mug (his face) Zach Leatherman

YUI Code Review: YAHOO.namespace

August 09, 2007

This is the first in a one part series of posts (the is optional) reviewing the actual code contained in the YUI library. This series is not intended for advanced JavaScripters, so if you’re insulted by reading things you already know, you probably aren’t a very good student.

YAHOO.namespace. This is a great little utility function that gives you an easy way to encourage low coupling throughout your JavaScript code. Divide your functions into functional units! If you already know how to use this function, you can skip to the bottom to learn a few JavaScript tricks Yahoo has put in. If not, keep reading! Are you making a new package you want to put under the YAHOO namespace? Just declare it in a string argument passed into the YAHOO.namespace function:

YAHOO.namespace( 'myNamespace' );

This will create a YAHOO.myNamespace object that can be used many different ways. You can assign a single function to it:

YAHOO.myNamespace = function() {};


Or you can assign multiple functions to it (with private variables included) using the amazing Module Pattern:

YAHOO.myNamespace = function() {
  var myPrivateVariable;

  return {
    myFirstFunction: function() { return myPrivateVariable; },
    mySecondFunction: function() {}

var hisOrHerPrivateVariable = YAHOO.myNamespace.myFirstFunction();

Did you know that you can pass multiple arguments into YAHOO.namespace? I’ve been using YUI all this time and didn’t know about this feature. But the more I think about it, the more I doubt it’s usefulness. When are you going to declare two unrelated namespaces adjacently in code? For example, doing this is redundant in YUI:

YAHOO.namespace( 'myNamespace' );
YAHOO.namespace( 'myNamespace.myNestedNamespace' );

The second call to YAHOO.namespace will reuse ‘myNamespace’ if it exists, and create it if it doesn’t. But the point here is that you can do something like the following:

YAHOO.namespace( 'myNamespace', 'myOtherNamespace' );

which will create YAHOO.myNamespace and YAHOO.myOtherNamespace, and return a reference to the last one created, in this case YAHOO.myOtherNamespace.

Here’s the code from this nice little function:

YAHOO.namespace = function() {
  var a=arguments, o=null, i, j, d;
  for (i=0; i<a .length; i=i+1) {

    // YAHOO is implied, so it is ignored if it is included
    for (j=(d[0] == "YAHOO") ? 1 : 0; j<d.length; j=j+1) {
      o[d[j]]=o[d[j]] || {};

  return o;
  1. var a=arguments: They’re iterating over the arguments passed into the function to declare multiple simultaneously. Arguments is the variable passed into every function that you can use if you want to handle a variable number of arguments. You can also declare a few arguments in the function( myArg ) and use the arguments variable if you want.
  2. j=(d[0] == "YAHOO") ? 1 : 0 They reuse the YAHOO top level object if not explicitly included into the declaration. Start the index at 1 if YAHOO was declared to skip defining it twice.
  3. o[d[j]]=o[d[j]] || {}; They reuse existing namespaces if they have already been created. The OR || declaration means that Javascript will use {} (an empty object) if o[d[j]] is undefined.

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Zach Leatherman IndieWeb Avatar for a builder for the web at Font Awesome and the creator/maintainer of IndieWeb Avatar for https://www.11ty.devEleventy (11ty), an award-winning open source site generator. At one point he became entirely too fixated on web fonts. He has given 84 talks in nine different countries at events like Beyond Tellerrand, Smashing Conference, Jamstack Conf, CSSConf, and The White House. Formerly part of CloudCannon, Netlify, Filament Group, NEJS CONF, and NebraskaJS. Learn more about Zach »

  1. Avatar for Abi

    Abi Disqus

    28 Mar 2008
    Nice post!
  2. Avatar for Scott F

    Scott F Disqus

    13 Apr 2008
    I was really lost regarding the namespace function but now it makes sense.Thanks a lot man
    1. Avatar for Joey Zambrano

      Joey Zambrano Disqus

      12 Mar 2014
Shamelessly plug your related post

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