There are many Style Guides but this is Mine
I wrote a blog post about this Style Guide.
This is a live demo example with the demonstration label on the top.
This is a live demo example with the demonstration label on the bottom.
This is a live demo example with a label text override in the markup.
This is a live demo example with a label text override in the markup.
This is a live demo example with the demonstration label on the bottom.
This is a live demo example with the demonstration label on the bottom.
Square Demos
// Code
// Code
More snowflakes
Flush no padding.
Dark mode
Dark mode.
Details, expand this
This is the details content.Typography
Headers and Text
Top Level Header
If you’re looking for a better web font loading solution, I’ve written a Comprehensive Guide to Font Loading Strategies which includes a bunch of different font loading approaches that range from the simple to advanced.
Second Level Header
If you’re looking for a better web font loading solution, I’ve written a Comprehensive Guide to Font Loading Strategies which includes a bunch of different font loading approaches that range from the simple to advanced.
Third Level Header
If you’re looking for a better web font loading solution, I’ve written a Comprehensive Guide to Font Loading Strategies which includes a bunch of different font loading approaches that range from the simple to advanced.
Fourth Level Header
If you’re looking for a better web font loading solution, I’ve written a Comprehensive Guide to Font Loading Strategies which includes a bunch of different font loading approaches that range from the simple to advanced.
Fifth Level Header
If you’re looking for a better web font loading solution, I’ve written a Comprehensive Guide to Font Loading Strategies which includes a bunch of different font loading approaches that range from the simple to advanced.
First through fifth level headers with accompanying paragraph text. Sixth level headers aren’t in use on this site.
Primary Title
This is a Primary Title
Use text-decoration-skip-ink
, no fallback: This is a test with hangy things. It has a p and a g and a y and a j and a q.
Update: renamed from text-decoration-skip
<p style="width: 15em;">
<a href="" class="break"></a>
Read the Web Font Randsom Note
<p class="primarylink">
<a href="#">Read the Web Font Randsom Note</a>
<p class="primarylink primarylink-demo">
<a href="#">Go to the Style Guide</a>
Normal paragraph text.
Progressive enhancement is a touchy subject. It can be hard to discuss dispassionately because, like accessibility, it’s often framed as an issue of empathy and compassion.
Normal paragraph text.
Text Highlighted Header
Works with any header level. Set any background-color
and color
on the element.
This is a Top Level Header that wraps to multiple lines to show how the background color wraps too.
Web Fonts
Using the Critical FOFT with preload Strategy with a Lazy-loaded font-display: optional
Polyfilled Fallback, otherwise known as The Compromise. At stage 1 (initial), a Lato subset is rendered and all bold and italic text below are faux rendered using font-synthesis
. At stage 2, all Lato weights and styles have finished loading and are no longer faux rendered.
Fallback Fonts (Stage 0, pre-preload, if preload not supported, or empty-cache visit on IE/Edge)
Normal roman text @$%. Bold text. Italic text. Bold Italic Text. More Bold Italic Text.
Web Fonts (Stage 1, Lato Roman Subset)
Normal roman text @$%. Bold text. Italic text. Bold Italic Text. More Bold Italic Text.
Hard to tell what’s faux and what isn’t? Use the Faux-Pas bookmarklet and it’ll show you.
Web Fonts (Stage 2, Lato Roman, Bold, Italic, Bold-Italic)
Normal roman text @$%. Bold text. Italic text. Bold Italic Text. More Bold Italic Text.
OpenType Features
ff ffl fl fb ffb fh ffh fj ffj fk ffk ft fft tf tt ttf ti tti
ff ffl fl fb ffb fh ffh fj ffj fk ffk ft fft tf tt ttf ti tti
This is a simple code element
. It’s usually alongside some other text.
This is a simple pre element.
This is pre > code.
This is pre > code with a really long line length. It should wrap smartly without a scrollbar.
.my-class {
this: is;
some: css;
.my-class {
this: is;
some: css;
+ this: line-is-added;
- this: line-is-removed;
Using Prism.js and eleventy-plugin-syntaxhighlight
for line highlights.
Ordered List
- Ordered list item.
- Ordered list item.
- Ordered list item.
- Ordered list item.
Unordered List
- Unordered list item.
- Unordered list item.
- Unordered list item.
- Unordered list item.
Description List
- Description Term
- Description Definition
- Description Term
- Description Definition
Inline List
Posts List
with Standard Counter (Counts up)
- Sub-header
- Blog post entry.
- Blog post entry.
- Blog post entry.
with Post Counter (Counts down)
- Year
- Blog post entry.
- Blog post entry.
- Year
- Blog post entry.
Addendum Notes
This is paragraph text with an addendum note attached1.
- Jump to the reference. FOUC also refers to the scenario when your page renders before your CSS has successfully applied so I think it’d be better to stick with FOUT to avoid confusion.
Nested Replies
I think preload is great but think you should add info on how one can feature detect support for link rel=preload
Shouldn’t need to feature detect. Fallbacks are built into the @font-face blocks.
Year | Membership | Change |
2009 | Founded | |
2012 | ~220 | |
2013 | 419 | (+199) or (-199) |
2014 | 606 | (+187) or (-187) |
2015 | 920 | (+314) or (-314) |
2016 | 1127 | (+207) or (-207) |
Compatibility Tables
Browser | Feature 1 | Feature 2 | Feature 3 |
Internet Explorer 8 | no | yes | emulated |
Google Chrome | yes | no | emulated |
Fluid Media

Third Party Video
Figures with Captions

Standalone Caption
Other components
Fixed Table of Contents
We’re only showing the source code here because this component is already in use on this page and there can be only one (Highlander). Make sure you add hasToc: true
to your front matter.
<div class="toc">
Table of Contents
Printed Page

On April 17, we’re hosting community organizers, … Megan U.S. Chief Technology Officer and Assistant to the President
Note that this approach has another consideration to be considered that was not originally documented here.
This article is old and may contain information that is outdated, irrelevant, or—dare I say it—no longer accurate. Read with care!
26 Nov 2017 at 09:16PMI think preload is great but think you should add info on how one can feature detect support for link rel=preload