Zach’s ugly mug (his face) Zach Leatherman

Raging Netflix Queue, a Google Chrome Extension

February 21, 2011

The premise is simple. When attempting to find movies to watch in my local theater, I often stumble upon titles that I feel to be more rental quality than theater quality. So I wanted an easier way to add those movies to my Netflix queue. I created a Google Chrome extension to accomplish just that.

[][2]When Raging Netflix Queue recognizes the site you’re browsing to be a movie web site, it will show a small green Netflix icon in the address bar. Clicking that icon will add the title to your queue. If the title is available for Instant Viewing, it will go into your Instant Queue. If not available for Instant View, it will go into your DVD Queue. If the title is still in theaters and not yet available on DVD, it will go into the Saved portion of your DVD Queue, and Netflix will automatically add it to your DVD Queue when it becomes available.

Raging Netflix Queue supports Rotten Tomatoes, IMDB, Google Movies, Apple Trailers, Movie Fone,, Yahoo Movies, and Fandango. Let me know if you have others you’d like to see added.

Download Raging Netflix Queue This project is no longer available for download: Netflix retired the API.


Watch on YouTube: Raging Netflix Queue, a Google Chrome Extension



The extension will parse the release year from the movie page, in order to guarantee better accuracy of results (There are a ton of remakes out there with the same titles). However, the actual year may vary. Some sites report theater release date, while others DVD release date, or the movie may have gone through a small showing and then a larger showing later. Thus, we allow plus or minus one year leverage when searching Netflix. See Cedar Rapids (2011) on Rotten Tomatoes.

Use of “The” or And/&

Apple’s entry for The Adjustment Bureau does not include “The” in the title. While this would be solved if Netflix allowed partial name matches in their OData API, Raging Netflix Queue does an additional search prepending “The” to the title, if no titles were found on the first go.

Netflix requires exact name matches in their API and prefers “and” over “&” in my tests. Raging Netflix Queue does a simple string replace there.

Single Quotes

Titles like “The King’s Speech” don’t match, due to another limitation with the Netflix OData API. There is no way to escape single quotes in the query string. I’m waiting on Netflix for an answer there.


It’s true that I have built a web browser plugin (to an add-on) before, and even a plug-in to a ported web browser add-on, but it was a great experience to build an actual web browser extension and Google Chrome has made it very easy to do so. This was also a jQuery-free project, as I would think that all Google Chrome extensions would be. jQuery is intended to solve cross browser compatibility issues, and a web browser specific extension shouldn’t have any of those. Sure, it feels like you’re being spoiled to use native String trim(), Array forEach, and document.querySelector. But damn it, I deserve nice things every once in awhile.

I’m getting such a huge queue right now.

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Zach Leatherman IndieWeb Avatar for a builder for the web at Font Awesome and the creator/maintainer of IndieWeb Avatar for https://www.11ty.devEleventy (11ty), an award-winning open source site generator. At one point he became entirely too fixated on web fonts. He has given 84 talks in nine different countries at events like Beyond Tellerrand, Smashing Conference, Jamstack Conf, CSSConf, and The White House. Formerly part of CloudCannon, Netlify, Filament Group, NEJS CONF, and NebraskaJS. Learn more about Zach »

  1. Avatar for Cody Peterson

    Cody Peterson Disqus

    21 Feb 2011
    Awesome Zach! You did it again!
  2. Avatar for Dan Leatherman

    Dan Leatherman Disqus

    21 Feb 2011
    This really bridges the gap between sites that care about movies like rotten tomatoes and sites that don't give two hoots whether or not the movie was good. Nice work!
  3. Avatar for Andy Stetson

    Andy Stetson Disqus

    22 Feb 2011
    Great job dude, and subscribed.
  4. Avatar for Les Chaps

    Les Chaps Disqus

    23 Feb 2011
    You are about 35 minutes to fame and fortune, at least according to this:http://www.businessinsider....Quick! Add context menu API fu and wait for the cash to roll in!Good extension. In a world where movie domains are trying to maintain their walled gardens, we need ladders like this!
  5. Avatar for Zach Leatherman

    Zach Leatherman Disqus

    05 Mar 2011
    Thanks everyone!
  6. Avatar for RJ

    RJ Disqus

    18 Apr 2011
    Installed chrome just for this plugin, thanks!
  7. Avatar for Eric Kissack

    Eric Kissack Disqus

    29 Apr 2011
    hey, any chance this can be updated to work with metacritic?
  8. Avatar for Zach Leatherman

    Zach Leatherman Disqus

    07 May 2011
    Hey Eric,Feel free to add an issue to the github tracker with your request:
Shamelessly plug your related post

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