11ty Goes Fully Independent—JS Party #325
Originally posted at: https://changelog.com/jsparty/325
I was on the JS Party podcast to talk about the push to make 11ty independent and sustainability in 2024!
11ty creator Zach Leatherman is taking the open source site generator fully independent in 2024 and he’s back on the pod to tell us why, how & what we all can do to help.
I’ve been blown away by the response so far, y’all are amazing. At time of this post we’re currently at 56% of the goal.

(The above graph will update daily with the current status.)
Listen at https://changelog.com/jsparty/325
or below:
Jerod Santo
@zachleat @jsparty @eleventy @nicknisi "friend of the pod" status has been firmly cemented ????
Zach Leatherman :11ty:
@jerod @jsparty @eleventy @nicknisi brb updating my business card
Ollie Boermans
@zachleat on the curly @nicknisi question of what you can do to improve the #11ty ChatGPT experience. There is a big thing you can do and I reckon you are doing it! Minimising breaking changes to the API and configuration would go a long way to ensuring based on what little the… Truncated