<heading-anchors> Web Component

adds sibling anchor links for heading elements (h1
) when they have an id
attribute and positions those anchor links visually as though they were nested inside of the heading.
Inspired by David Darnes’ component of the same name.
Currently in use on v9 of the eleventy-base-blog
project (and on this very web site, too).
- Useful when you want preserve heading text as is (selectable, able to nest other links, etc).
- Useful when you want to exclude anchor links from your RSS feed.
- Links are positioned alongside heading text, but not nested inside of heading markup (for improved screen-reader compatibility and accessibility)
- Establishes a placeholder element to establish space for the anchor link and so that heading text doesn’t reflow during interaction
- Prefers the CSS Anchoring API (where available) but works using JavaScript positioning when the API is not available.
- Automatically matches font styling of the heading (font-family, line-height, font-size, and font-weight)
Prior Art
- https://github.com/daviddarnes/heading-anchors
- https://amberwilson.co.uk/blog/are-your-anchor-links-accessible/ (which has a lot of good related content too)