zachleat’s avatarzachleat’s Twitter Archive—№ 16,054

  1. This kind of thing makes me distrust Google/@Android. Is it possible to completely disable Ok Google or will it always be listening?
    1. …in reply to @zachleat
      @Android Not happy to report that Pixel 2 re-enables this behavior and buries it under a different preference setting: Allow when screen is off
      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
      1. …in reply to @zachleat
        @Android Why is this so difficult, @Android? I don’t want always-on passive listening. iOS makes disabling it easy, c’mon—figure it out.
    2. …in reply to @zachleat
      @Android The folks at @vocativ wrote a story about this tweet: @vocativ/866433681816203265
    3. …in reply to @zachleat
      @Android unrelated, does anyone want to buy a google pixel I’ll include a tin foil case
    4. …in reply to @zachleat
      This shows an Android device—with Ok Google disabled—triggering when it hears “Ok Google.” If your notifications are open, the mic is hot.
      1. …in reply to @zachleat
        iOS gets this right, in my opinion. Easy to globally enable or disable passive listening without disabling Siri altogether.
        oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
        1. …in reply to @zachleat
          @MarkCorrado is going to get to the bottom of this at #IO17 😆 @MarkCorrado/865629406181548032