zachleat’s avatarzachleat’s Twitter Archive—№ 42,846

    1. it’s popcorn on monday morning reading the official @reactjs docs 👀🍿😅
      Recommended Toolchains

The React team primarily recommends these solutions:

    If you’re learning React or creating a new single-page app, use Create React App.
    If you’re building a server-rendered website with Node.js, try Next.js.
    If you’re building a static content-oriented website, try Gatsby.
    If you’re building a component library or integrating with an existing codebase, try More Flexible Toolchains.
  1. …in reply to @zachleat
    @reactjs and now I’m wondering what it’s worth to be an officially recommended react framework
    1. …in reply to @zachleat
      @reactjs cc the @remix_run folks, maybe?