zachleat’s avatarzachleat’s Twitter Archive—№ 41,217

      1. experimenting with a plugin to do different @eleven_ty output
        > eleventy-base-blog@6.0.0 build
> eleventy

  📄.htaccess                                 0.1kB  feed/htaccess.njk
  📄feed.xml                                  9.4kB  feed/feed.njk
  📄feed.json                                 7.9kB  feed/json.njk
  📄sitemap.xml                               1.4kB  sitemap.xml.njk
  📄404.html                                  1.9kB
  📄index.html                                2.8kB  index.njk
  📄firstpost/index.html                      3.5kB  posts/
  📄index.html                                3.0kB  archive.njk
  📄thirdpost/index.html                      4.5kB  posts/
  📄fourthpost/index.html                     3.0kB  posts/
  📄secondpost/index.html                     3.2kB  posts/
  📄another-tag/index.html                    2.1kB  tags.njk
  📄second-tag/index.html                     2.5kB  tags.njk
  📄posts-with-two-tags/index.html            2.3k
    1. …in reply to @zachleat
      @eleven_ty progress was made
      > eleventy-base-blog@6.0.0 build
> eleventy

↘ _site/                               --                           --       --
  → about/index.html                   about/            1.8kB    0.1ms
  ↘ feed/                              --                           --       --
    • .htaccess                        feed/htaccess.njk         0.1kB    0.2ms
    • feed.json                        feed/json.njk           106.8kB   11.5ms
    • feed.xml                         feed/feed.njk           109.8kB   15.2ms
  → page-list/index.html               page-list.njk             3.2kB    1.1ms
  ↘ posts/                             --                           --       --
    → firstpost/index.html             posts/        3.5kB    1.0ms
    → fourthpost/index.html            posts/     101.0kB   25.9ms
    → secondpost/index.html            posts/       3.2kB    5.2ms
    → thirdpost/index.html             posts/        4.5kB    9
  1. …in reply to @zachleat
    @eleven_ty Published it—would be lovely if y’all could test and report issues!