Zach’s ugly mug (his face) Zach Leatherman


Zach Leatherman



  • Lead Software Developer for IndieWeb Avatar for Awesome
    Remote to Bentonville, AR USA
    • Sept 2024 to Present
  • Creator and Maintainer of IndieWeb Avatar for
    • Nov 2017 to Present
  • Developer Advocate for IndieWeb Avatar for
    Remote to Dunedin NZ
    • August 2023 to May 2024
  • Staff Engineer for IndieWeb Avatar for
    Remote to San Francisco, CA USA
    • February 2022 to July 2023
    • Full time open source on eleven_ty’s AvatarEleventy (read more above)
  • Senior Web Developer for IndieWeb Avatar for
    Remote to San Francisco, CA USA
  • Web Developer for filamentgroup’s AvatarFilament Group
    Remote to Boston, MA USA
    • June 2012 to January 2020
    • Web development and consulting focused on a web for everyone: Performance, Responsive Design, Accessibility, and more. Personal specialties included web fonts, accessible forms, and responsive tables.
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  • Front End Architect for UnionPacific’s AvatarUnion Pacific Railroad
    Omaha, NE USA
    • June 2011 to May 2012
    • Responsible for setting the company's direction for mobile web application development.
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    • Developed a input-device independent reusable component library to serve both mobile web and hybrid native applications.
    • Ownership of all company auth pages, internal/external and mobile/desktop. Used progressive enhancement to expand device support.
    • Started an internal HTML5 and Open Web User Group to educate developers on new web platform features.
  • Project Lead for UnionPacific’s AvatarUnion Pacific Railroad
    Omaha, NE USA
    • July 2008 to May 2011
    • Lead developer and support team for company-standard User Interface library and pattern library documentation used on web projects. Supported a large developer base (~1500 employees and contractors).
    • Improved performance by reducing component initialization times between major versions by 5.2× using server side rendering.
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    • 62 separate reusable components across 5 simultaneous major code branches and over 50 versions.
    • Adapted to new i18n requirements and the marketing department's brand refresh, centrally applied to all web projects.
    • Prevented an Adobe Flexpocalypse by opposing adoption of Adobe Flex as the primary UI development tool using the merits of the Open Web.
  • Web Developer for UnionPacific’s AvatarUnion Pacific Railroad
    Omaha, NE USA
    • June 2006 to July 2008
    • Shipped three internal web apps, receiving ~15M hits per month.
    • Developed build process for automated deployment including asset optimization, linting, integration and unit testing.


  • Computer Engineering at UNLincoln’s AvatarUniversity of Nebraska
    Lincoln, NE USA
    • August 2001 to May 2006
    • BS in Computer Engineering, Minor in Mathematics
    • Course Work in Semantic Web, Computer Architecture, Data Structures and Algorithms, Database Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Cryptography and Security, GUI and Unix Programming, Operating Systems and Kernels
    • Engineering Study Abroad program in
      Fortaleza, CE, Brazil

This resume has its highest fidelity when viewed in a web browser. You're invited to view the source code and it will print nicely (but do you need to?). Uses the h-resume microformat. Generated with updated data on September 20, 2024.